Monday, 13 February 2012

New Blog, Processing Old Images, Half-term

Howdy Camerafags,

I've just recently updated this blog's layout and I really like it, I've changed the background image (you can find the source of it by clicking the little circle button at the top left), I've added social media buttons on the right (you should definitely click those!) and I've adjusted widths and the layout so things look a bit more organised. I'm a tad disheartened by the fact I can't really have a 500px button because the badges that you can get from their website have a white background and I don't seem to be able to change that, so I'm just going to have to stick with the 500px link in the toolbar above.

So, to change the topic to photography, I've been going through some old RAW files to reprocess because I've  been somewhat bored and, to my fortune, I can across quite an oldie. It was a photo I took as part of a high school trip to the Lake District in 2009, the objective wasn't to produce photography or anything, it was in fact a Geography trip, but I was allowed to take my Dad's Nikon D50 back in the day. The trip was actually relatively productive, in terms of art, I got quite a few relatively decent images but I just didn't process them too well. My skills have somewhat advanced in terms of colouring and composition, so I took a stab at an image that used to be popular on my Flickr photostream but I never really liked it, it always looked a bit too - meh. What's your opinion of it now? I'm actually really happy with it. My old version was of an apocalyptic nature, so I tried to replicate that once more only, this time, better. If you want to see a higher quality version, just nip over to my 500px!

I'm, overall, quite happy with how things are going with regards to photography. I feel my skills are developing steadily and I'm at a point in which I feel confident saying, "Hey, I created a great piece of artwork!" but still, at the same time, feel I could improve it a lot, which is all the part of the fun of it really. However, I'm not happy with the fact I haven't got myself out there to get work or anything like that. I'm attempting to set up some really cheap photoshoots to get some experience and, at some point, I'm going to look at being a professional photographer's assistant to get some work experience in the field. If you happen to know anyone who needs someone like that, just comment on this post or contact me in some way, I would really appreciate it. I genuinely just want to know what it's like, I also want to pick up some tips and prepare myself for a long journey of trying to make it into a career because I know it will be difficult.

Anyway, I shall bid you farewell because I have nothing really more to say, I should get some colour film rolls developed soon and I will be doing a day of shooting when I come back after half-term because it's part of my A-level class. Keep in touch!

Au revior,



  1. Really great post, I especially love the photo.

  2. Amazing photo, I love the whole mood to it. The angle is great also. I actually stumbled upon this photo on flickr a long time ago and needless to say I've had it on my computer since then (I think you had it licensed as a Creative Commons Attribution 2.0). Anyway better check again, since I was wondering if I could use the image to promote a typeface I'm making? It would only be used as a background. You can check my work out if you're curious (got a few sketches up on my workbook. Or you could check me on here: My workbook is all in swedish though so you probably wont understand any of the text! Cheers!


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